标签归档:Anthemion DialogBlocks

Anthemion DialogBlocks 5.03 注册码

Anthemion DialogBlocks is a sizer-based resource editor that quickly gets you creating professional-looking dialogs, wizards and frames for deployment on Windows, Linux, Mac or any other supported wxWidgets platform.

Anthemion DialogBlocks 是一款基于 sizer 技术的资源编辑器,可以让您在 Windows、Linux、Mac 以及任何支持 wxWidgets(原名 wxWindows) 的平台下快速创建具有专业显示效果的对话框、向导和框架。

Anthemion DialogBlocks 5.03 注册码:

Registration key:2E9D5408-18D8E508-55554042

Registration key:08B3B8DE-719CEB84-1CD66C68

运行Anthemion DialogBlocks 5.03,在注册界面输入用户名和注册码
2013-3-13 18-10-44
完成注册,About DialogBlocks
2013-3-13 18-11-18