标签归档:Chaos Intellect

Chaos Software Chaos Intellect 注册机

Chaos Intellect is our business-class email and contact management program. Use the powerful contact address book with appointment schedule, task management, and email all linked back to the appropriate contact. Send emails to groups of contacts or distribution lists. Merge personalized messages instead of sending BCCs. Schedule messages to be sent later.

Intellect includes all the features of Time & Chaos plus an email client and works well for individuals and for shared workgroups on networks.

Chaos Intellect是企业级电子邮件和联系人管理程序。强大的联系地址簿,约会日程安排、 任务管理和所有链接返回到相应的联系人电子邮件。将电子邮件发送到联系人或通讯组列表的群体。合并个性化的消息,而不是发送 Bcc.附表以后要发送的消息。Chaos Intellect包括时间管理科技加电子邮件客户端的所有功能。

Chaos Software Chaos Intellect 注册机下载:Keygen for Intellect 4.x.7z (684)(解压密码:astray.cn)

附 Chaos Software Chaos Intellect 注册码:

User Name: astray.cn
Company: astray.cn
User Code: 32921G

2013-6-9 21-38-33