Muso 1.5.39 注册机

Muso is a Windows software application, which acts as both a centralised information repository for your music collection, and an intuitive graphical user interface to allow you to browse your albums, tag them, filter them, and sort them in various flexible ways. Muso provides an alternative front end to your music player and allows you to experience a more meaningful interaction with your music collection.

Muso 是一个Windows的软件应用程序,它作为一个集中的信息库为您的音乐收藏,直观的图形用户界面,允许你浏览你的相册,标记,过滤,以灵活多样的方式对它们进行排序。Muso 提供了一种替代的前端到你的音乐播放器,让您体验到一个更有意义的互动与您的音乐收藏。

Muso 1.5.39 注册机下载:Muso Keygen.7z (718)(解压密码
2013-6-7 15-18-59


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