标签归档:PC Disk Clone X

PC Disk Clone X 11.5 破解补丁

PC Disk Clone X is a Windows Backup program that allows cloning of computer hard drives to backup data or migrating system to another PC. It copies all data on physical level with a full support of IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB, Firewire Interfaces. Besides these compatabilities, PC Disk Clone X copies at a high speed of 7GB per miniute.

PC Disk Clone X is especially programmed for external backup and computer replacement . If you are going to back up your computer to external USB or Firewire disk, or going to replace your old computer with new one without reinstalling Windows and software in the new one. PC Disk Clone X is the right tool for you. With the help of PC Disk Clone X, you can easily copy entire hard drive to a new one. Your Windows System, software, personal files and music will be exactly there. The ease of use allows not only PC beginners but technicians and professional users to handle the tasks easily.

PC Disk Clone X 破解版是一款硬盘对拷复制克隆工具,功能类似于大名鼎鼎的Ghost!其主要功能分为:硬盘对硬盘拷贝、分区对分区拷贝、将硬盘做成Image磁盘镜像文件保存、将分区做成Image磁盘镜像保存、从Image镜像文件中还原磁盘或者分区!并附带磁盘引导区管理小工具!

PC Disk Clone X 11.5 破解补丁下载:Patch for PC Disk Clone X v11.5.7z (886)(解压密码:astray.cn)
2013-4-28 14-37-15