Process Lasso Pro Beta 注册机

Process Lasso is the definitive Windows process priority optimizer and automation software. Without any configuration, it can help prevent unruly processes from monopolizing your computer. It also supports numerous advanced Watchdog rules and power profile automation. Now you can take control of your PC, having its settings change with the applications you are actively using!

Process Lasso 是一款独特的调试级别的系统优化工具,主要功能是动态调整各个进程的优先级并设为合理的优先级类以实现为系统减负的目的,此项特性被 Process Lasso 定义为过载抑制(out-of-control restraint),可有效避免蓝屏、假死、进程停止响应、进程占用 CPU 时间过多等症状。

同时它还具备前台进程推进、工作集修整、进程黑名单等附加特性。Process Lasso 对您系统的优化是完全实时+智能的,不会修改任何系统既有配置。且其支持命令行操作和服务器 – 客户端的远程管理,而内核又可脱离用户界面单独运行,因此普遍适用于普通家庭用户和专业工作环境。

Process Lasso Pro Beta 注册机:百度网盘|微云|MEGA|TusFiles

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Process Lasso

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