Remote Process Explorer 3.0.0 注册码

With Remote Process Explorer, you will be able to get the list of processes and will also be in a position to manage them. On a local or remote computer, users can kill a process, run a new one or change the priority of a process.

In order to do this, you are not required to install additional software on a remote computer since the program uses the in-built functions of the operating system. With Remote Process Explorer, you will be able to see complete information about each running process. It will also indicate the time the process began, the user who started the process the path to its executable file as well as the amount of memory and CPU it uses.

This information is available in the Task Manager and can be obtained for a local as well as a remote computer. For managing a remote computer, Remote Process Explorer has in-built tools built that it uses.

Remote Process Explorer管理远端的过程和控制远程计算机。远程Process Explorer的取代Windows任务管理器与一个更为先进的版本。远程Process Explorer的监测,让所有本地和远程进程,通过一个单一的用户界面,存取重要的资料,约进程,如进程ID ,家长的PID时, CPU ,记忆体使用量,优先处理,线程,以及更多,在真正的工作时间。

Remote Process Explorer 3.0.0 注册码:

Registered to:Anyone
Registration code:0X4ZAM-D4U0V7-W2C3YQ-AFNJRP-MJB3VU-5PKHBX

运行Remote Process Explorer,选择菜单栏Help-Enter registration code,进入注册界面,输入以上用户名和注册码,点击”OK”
2013-3-21 11-01-46
完成注册,About Remote Process Explorer
2013-3-21 11-01-58


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