
WinTools.net Premium 13.0.1 注册码

WinTools.net is a suite of tools for increasing MS Windows operating system performance.WinTools.net cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the Windows registry. WinTools.net puts you in control of the Windows start up process, memory monitoring and gives you the power to customize desktop and system settings to fit your needs.Adds more speed and stability for your connection. Ensures your privacy and keep sensitive information secure.

WinTools.net Premium contain tools:
Clean Uninstaller, Scan Files, Scan Shortcuts,Scan Registry, Startup Manager, Tweak UI,Dplicate Files, Net Tweaker, The Privacy,Invisible Man, File Shredder, IE Shortcuts…

WinTools.net 是一个加强操作系统性能的工具套件。WinTools.net 会干净地从磁盘驱动器卸载不想要的软件和 Windows 注册表中的垃圾。WinTools.net 还让你能够控制 Windows 启动、内存监视,强力的自定义桌面功能,并按你的需求进行系统设置。它还能使你的网络连接更稳定和快速。保护您的隐私和机密资料的安全。

WinTools.net Professional 包括工具:Clean Uninstaller(卸载器)、Scan Files(文件扫描器), Scan Registry(注册表扫描器), Start Up(启动管理), Tweak UI(系统设置), Net Tweaker(网络设置), The Privacy(隐私策略)…

WinTools.net Premium 13.0.1 注册码:


安装WinTools.net Premium,在注册界面输入以上注册码
2013-2-28 14-11-08
完成注册,About WinTools.net
2013-2-28 14-11-29