Anthemion Jutoh 1.65 注册码

Jutoh makes it easy to create ebooks in popular formats that you can sell on many ebook sites, including Amazon’s Kindle and Apple’s iBooks.

Create your project in seconds from existing files using the New Project Wizard; or create your book from scratch using the built-in styled text editor.

Select a book cover design from Jutoh’s templates, or create your own with the built-in cover designer.

Anthemion Software Jutoh可以轻松创建制作各种格式的电子书,它可以用于电子书网站制作电子书。使用文件向导制作电子书,仅需几秒就可上手,十分方便。你也可以使用内置的文字编辑器。选择一个自带的书籍封面设计的模板,内置的封面编辑器还可以自己设计封面。

Anthemion Jutoh 1.65 注册码:

Registration key:462F691A-E4E99B0B-0524D586

Registration key:251A1CE9-9A84FA4F-29E963CF

运行Anthemion Jutoh安装程序,在注册界面输入Use name和key,点击Next,完成安装并成功注册
2013-3-13 17-53-12
About Jutoh
2013-3-13 17-53-56


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